Seniya Wynn

Usui Reiki
sunlight salutations
Hi. My name is Seniya Wynn. I am a Holistic Astrologer, Classical Homeopath, Usui Reiki Master and Logoped. I invite you to experience a Sunlight Session consultation with me. Together we will uncover and explore the dynamics of your energetic uniqueness, and how this holistic fingerprint manifests in your daily life.
I have always been interested in what is beyond the seen, curious and eager to get deep into the core of a mystery. I would like to share with you the knowledge of how classical homeopathy & holistic astrology challenged my emotions, ideas, imagination, and desires, and how they helped to inform and transform me, on my holistic journey of,
body – mind – spirit.
My path of inner guidance and discovery, was illuminated by these two holistic modalities. As well as my education and practice in pedagogy, music, and speech therapy, classical homeopathy prepared me to more fully discover, understand and use the art/science of holistic astrology. And, that there are no good or bad aspects, just challenges for growth.
sunlight synergy




sunlight sessions
There is really nothing that can compare to a personal Sunlight Session Consultation with Seniya. You will know that you have found your very own personal astrologer, who you can always turn to when the need arises. Seniya is schooled and certified in holistic astrology, classical homeopathy, pedagogics, and is also a Usui Reiki Master. Her extensive education, experience and intuition, come together in a quantum sunlight synergy, that she would love to share and experience with you.
Awaken To The Possibility

Unlock Your Potential

your free introductory session awaits
At seniyawynn.com, your privacy and security is taken very seriously. Information that you submit through our forms, or by other means, is not shared with anyone, or any entity. It is only collected, so that we may conduct business with you, and service you on an ongoing basis. Both the website and forms are protected by SSL encryption.

planning a session
After you have submitted the introduction form, you will receive a Skype contact request from Seniya. Once you have confirmed her request, she will exchange some Skype texts or emails with you, to arrange the date and time of your first free Sunlight Session. It will be, approximately, a thirty minute consultation. This will give you and Seniya a chance to meet, and decide whether you both feel comfortable with each other and whether this is what you are looking for.

seniyawynn.com, is located in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada Time Zone, which is -5 GMT/UTC.
Consultations are available for booking, from 11am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, Toronto time.
Emergency consultations are available, outside of regular hours, for regular clients.
The time zone map may help you in planning your consultation.
The price of consultations can vary a little, depending on the amount of preparation involved and the exact nature of the consultation. The following price structure is generally applicable to most consultations. New customer payments must be made in advance, for a prearranged block of time. Regular clients can pay for the applicable length of consultation time after the session. All payments are processed by PayPal secure payments, including credit cards and bank cards.
45 minutes —– 45 dollars
60 minutes —– 60 dollars
90 minutes —– 80 dollars
120 minutes —– 105 dollars
make a payment
contact and networking
We all like to stay in contact with each other and here are a few ways that you can contact and network with Seniya. To follow or connect to one, or both of Seniya’s social profiles, tap the icons below. Of course there is our contact form, which you can send us should you have a message, idea, suggestion, or to let us know about a problem or error that you have encountered with our website or our service. We’d love to hear from you.
seniya wynn
zoe ~ bc canada
I met Seniya a few years ago in Canada. I had been ill for a few years and as usual, doctors didn’t have anything they could do for me. I used homeopathy long ago, and knew of its benefits. I decided that it was the route to go again for healing. Homeopathy is not just about the remedies. The homeopathic doctor must also be intuitive, to have it truly work. That has been my finding, for the 40 years that I have used it. I found Seniya to be exceptionally good. Her remedies started to have very positive effects on me immediately, and continued for over a year. Seniya also was able to help my animals with their various ailments. She is passionate about her work, and I would recommend her for the most difficult ailments, that a human or animal has. She is a person who has truly earned the right to be called Doctor.
danielle shaw ~ st. petersburg fl, usa
Thank you so much, Seniya, for the incredible reading you sent me and for all the sessions. I see them like a sunlight coming through some days’ clouds, metaphorically speaking. The day before you sent my transitional reading my mind was buzzing all afternoon and evening and all upcoming possibilities, all was too much to handle. Very grateful for your clear and thoughtful explanations. I felt my energy field expanding the minute you began sharing with me. I thank you especially for the warm, trusting environment that is created in your presence. I have felt this aura about you since the first time we met over 25 years ago. The difference today is that yesterday I felt it radiate throughout my being, which allowed my soul to open wide and hear so very much that resonated with it. Thank you for your dedication and passion I have felt in your sunlight astrology sessions for all these years.
l.m. ~ london, uk
I just wanted to give you this update and let you know how much I appreciate your talents and gifts regarding Astrology and Homeopathy. I pass along family and friends as to how you have helped in such a tremendous way by giving me such valuable insights. I have sought your help regarding difficulties and health issues for over 12 years. After your sunlight astrology sessions I am able to better understand me and the way I relate to my loved ones. It has always been an asset to my life journey choices I have made. Once again, thank you for my very first astrological reading. It was really exciting, informative and enlightening, and I was amazed at your accuracy in describing my life’s situation. It’s an amazing therapy as homeopathy is.
s.p. – dublin, ireland uk
Seniya, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the incredible readings and Sunlight Astrology Sessions with you. You have been so helpful in putting things into perspective for me, and taking off some of the pressure that I have felt. More than anything what I needed was just some hope that things will change, that I will get unstuck, and you definitely provided that, so thank you. A big thank you for your homeopathic supervisions as well.
Kами Г. ~ София, България
Познавам Сения от 15 години, като хомеопат и астролог. Причина за това е дъщеря ми, която беше в пубертета. Благодарна съм на Сения за възможността да опозная дъщеря си, когато всяка майка иска да знае всичко за детето си, но понякога се оказва, че не познаваме самите себе си. Когато имаме хомеопатични проследявания за нея астрологическият поглед присъства, което в много случаи съм забелязала че не са нужни и много въпроси, за да се стигне до причината довела до неразположението. Когато Сения не е в София, провеждаме скайп-видео консултации и съвети по възникналите въпроси вълнуващи ни у дома. Много са случаите в които не се налага хомеопатично предписание. След обсъждане на ситуацията при разрешаване на възникнал проблем или подготовка за събитие, много често търсим решението в астрологичен план. Благодарим на Сения за възможността да се докоснем до астрологията и хомеопатията заедно.